Which method is best for making ghee at home bilona or processed?

Traditional Bilona Method of Making Ghee

Ghee (bilona) is traditionally prepared using a very elaborate process. Boiling and cooling are done to milk. The milk is then given a spoonful of curd and left at room temperature for the night. The next step is to churn the curd to remove the butter. The water is then removed from this butter by boiling it, leaving only pure ghee behind.

As you can see, the procedure is quite slow, and historically, all of this was produced by hand in households without the aid of machines. Things changed when ghee production turned into a significant source of revenue for the dairy industry.

 Ghee Making from Malai or Cream

When milk is boiled & chilled overnight, thick cream forms at the top of the milk. Once a sufficient quantity of this cream, or malai, has been gathered, it is heated until a reddish-brown precipitate separates from the golden ghee. To separate it from the precipitate, ghee is strained.

Comparison between Bilona & processed Ghee:

  • Better reasoning skills and development – Docosahexaenoic acid, also known as DHA, is crucial for a child’s memory and the growth of comprehension skills. Therefore, bilona ghee, especially cow bilona clarified butter, is advised for growing children.
  • Cows raised on grass are beneficial to your heart. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol while raising HDL (good) cholesterol, is present in higher concentrations in bilona ghee, such as premium cow ghee. Calcium buildup in the arteries can obstruct the arteries, which vitamin K2 helps to prevent.
  • Pure desi bilona ghee should be consumed to maintain a healthy heart because it contains more butyric acid, which eases stomach discomfort. The Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, which are present in higher concentrations in bilona ghee, help to reduce swelling.
  • Hormone regulation – Due to its high nutrient content, bilona ghee is recommended for regulating hormones. Treatment for thyroid issues and women’s menstrual problems with bilona ghee is effective.
  • There are monounsaturated fatty acids.
  1. It is suitable for cooking and has a high heat capacity.
  2. Foods high in antioxidants.
  • Boosts the body’s immune system and increases resistance to a variety of diseases.
  • The bilona type of ghee contains more nutrients when compared to some other ghee varieties. In comparison to other foods, it contains more vitamins, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acid DHA, omega-6 fatty acid (CLA), and mono-saturated lipid (MUFA). Important vitamins and other nutrients are abundant in dairy, especially when it comes from an Indian breed. Cow ghee is recommended by Ayurveda because it is beneficial to wellbeing and health.
  • Bilona ghee promotes bone health, prevents diarrhoea, moisturizes the skin, and helps with indigestion. It is both antifungal and antibacterial, and many natural supplements contain it.
  • It takes longer to process cream ghee than bilona ghee. The preference of children is for bilona ghee.
  • The blonde variety is significantly sweeter and more fragrant, perhaps as a result of its production using traditional techniques that preserve all of the nutritional benefits of ghee.

Additionally, people who have trouble consuming dairy products like milk, yoghurt, cheeses, etc. can use bilona ghee instead of processed ghee. Because of its nutritional value and purity, they can consume bilona ghee.

I hope you now understand the concept of processed ghee and bilona ghee.

Source : Team SAfe Labs