Does cow milk cause tuberculosis?

The bacterium Mycobacterium bovis is what causes the disease known as bovine tuberculosis. It can infect many species of animals; cattle and buffalo most commonly. Bovine tuberculosis can spread to humans. It is still common in developing countries, a source of economic loss, and a serious health problem to humans.

The bacteria’s maintenance organizers are cattle and buffalo. Numerous other animals, including sheep, goats, horses, pigs, deer, dogs, and cats, have also been reported to have infections. Infected animals expel bacteria in milk, faeces, respiratory secretions, and, less frequently, other bodily fluids. The bacteria-containing droplets (aerosol) are inhaled by cattle, which then become infected. If an animal swallows the bacteria, infection can also happen orally (through ingestion).

Yes. Humans can contract bovine tuberculosis, and the most common way is by drinking (orally) raw (unpasteurized) milk or consuming dairy products made from raw milk. Less frequently, the bacteria can enter the body through skin breaks or inhalation of aerosol (direct contact). Humans who are infected may not exhibit any symptoms, experience infection in the chest and lungs, or experience infection in other body organs, including the kidney, spine, and brain. Fever, chest pain, and a cough can be signs of a lung and chest infection. People with the infection frequently cough up blood. The Department advises against consuming raw, unpasteurized milk.

However, recent time in Northern Ireland, the risks are considered to be very low. This is due to the routine testing and slaughter of cattle and the pasteurization of milk. Do not drink raw milk or eat dairy products that contain raw milk (e.g. imported cheeses). The spread of bovine TB in milk can be stopped by pasteurization. The risk of human disease from exposure to these animals will be reduced, much like how to stop the spread in animals, by early diagnosis and the slaughter of known infected animals.

Source : Team Safe labs