Why double toned is used in flavored milk?

The term “double toned milk” refers to a product made by mixing fresh skim milk with either
cow or buffalo milk or both, or by mixing milk that has been standardized for solids-not-fat and
fat percentages. The milk is great for people trying to lose weight because it is low in calories
and fat.
4.5 percent of whole milk is fat, 3 percent of toned (or low-fat) milk is fat, 1.5 percent of double-
toned milk is fat, and 0 percent of skim milk is fat.
About 1.5% of double-toned milk is fat. It is a fantastic option for those with heart disease. The
milk has fewer calories than toned milk, is easily digestible, and is high in vitamin D.
Milk, sugar, flavourings, and occasionally food colouring are used to make flavoured milk, a
sweetened dairy beverage. It may be offered for sale as a pasteurised, chilled item or as an item
that has undergone an ultra-high temperature treatment and doesn’t require refrigeration.
All the nutrients and health advantages found in plain milk are also present in flavour milk.
Flavored milk does not cause weight gain or tooth decay, despite the fact that many varieties
have added sugar, according to research also drinking flavor-enhanced milk.
Flavored milk is a good source of nutrients and a healthy substitute for soda and fruit juice. One
serving contains 13 essential vitamins and minerals. Flavored milk offers more nutrition and less
sugar than juices and sports drinks, according to the facts.
More vitamin D is present in double-toned milk than in toned milk. Calcium is better absorbed
by the body when vitamin D is present. The nutrient is necessary to maintain blood sugar levels
in check by controlling insulin secretion. High vitamin D levels also stop your body from ageing
too quickly.