Can we eat chenna like we eat Paneer?

Chenna is healthy, but take precautions. I advise you to avoid or eat in moderation if you have
diabetes, heart disease, or want to lose weight.
"Chenna" is the term for the curdled milk produced by adding lime juice or vinegar to milk. It is
essentially a soft, crumbled version of Paneer. You are now left with pure, dry chenna after
passing this chenna through a sieve to remove the "Whey." Desserts like Rasgulla, Chenna Poda,
and others are made with this. This dry chenna is now compressed with weights and covered
with a muslin cloth to create "Paneer," which is primarily used to make curries and stir-fries.
The same technique is used to make both chhena and Paneer. The only distinction is that Paneer
is prepared to have a firm block while chhena retains its moisture. Using lemon juice, vinegar, or
citric acid, you can coagulate milk. To remove the sour taste, wash it thoroughly. Paneer is less
moist than chhena.
Because of its high calcium content, chenna also helps in lowering blood pressure, promoting
weight loss, and reducing cholesterol absorption. Consuming milk and dairy products can lower
childhood obesity, improve cardiovascular health, boost bone mineral density, and lower the risk
of certain cancers. Furthermore, it makes a wonderful addition to a vegetarian diet.
Pure chenna has the potential to be very healthy. Some of its health advantages are:
 Beneficial to bone health
 Lowers the risk of heart diseases
 Lowers the risk of stroke
 Promotes weight loss
 Aids in building muscle
 Might stop insulin resistance
 Reduced risk of cancer
 Protects against osteoporosis
Benefits of eating Paneer include:
 Lowering your risk of cancer
 Improving your bones and teeth
 Aiding in weight loss
 Promoting healthy digestion
 Being an excellent food for diabetics
 Strengthening your immune system, and preventing and protecting you from diseases.