Determination of Salt Content in Butter (Mohr’s Method)


Butter is a widely consumed dairy product that is commonly used in cooking and baking. It is essential to ensure the quality and safety of butter by Mohr’s Method determining its salt content accurately. Excess salt in butter can affect its taste, texture, and shelf life. is a reliable and widely used technique to determine the salt content in butter. This article will explain the principles, procedure, and significance of Mohr’s Method in determining the salt content in butter.


  1. Principles of Mohr’s Method

Mohr’s Method is based on the principle of titration, a widely employed chemical analysis technique used to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution. In this case, the salt content in butter is extracted with hot water, and then the excess chloride ions are titrated using a standard silver nitrate solution.


  1. Reagents Required:

– Silver nitrate solution (standard solution)

– Potassium chromate indicator solution

– Deionized/distilled water

– Butter sample

  1. Procedure:


Step I : Sample Preparation

– Weigh accurately 5g of butter sample

– Transfer the weighed sample to a clean conical flask.

Step II : Salt Extraction

– Add about 100 mL of hot water to the conical flask containing the butter sample.

– Stir the mixture gently to dissolve the salt content in the butter.

– Allow the mixture to cool down and then filter it to obtain a clear salt solution.

Step III : Titration

– Transfer 25 mL of the filtered salt solution into a clean and dry 250 mL volumetric flask.

– Add a few drops of potassium chromate indicator solution to the flask.

– Titrate the solution with the standard silver nitrate solution until a reddish-brown colour persists. The appearance of the reddish-brown colour indicates the excess chloride ions in the solution.

Step IV : Calculation

– Calculate the amount of chloride ions in the salt solution using the volume and molarity of the standard silver nitrate solution.

– Then, calculate the salt content in the butter sample based on the chloride content and the weight of the initial butter sample.


  1. Significance of Mohr’s Method:

Mohr’s Method is a precise and reliable technique for determining the salt content in butter. By knowing the salt concentration in butter, manufacturers can ensure compliance with food safety regulations and maintain product consistency. Consumers can also make informed choices about their dietary salt intake. Additionally, this method can be used for quality control purposes to detect any variations in the salt content among different batches of butter.



Mohr’s Method provides an effective way to determine the salt content in butter. By accurately measuring the amount of salt present, this method contributes to the quality control of butter production and helps to ensure consumers receive a consistent product. This analysis is essential for both manufacturers and consumers, as it impacts the taste, texture, and overall quality of butter in the market.