milk testing

Aroma Profiling in Dairy Products: Unraveling the Scent Secrets

Introduction: Dairy products are beloved for their taste, texture, and nutritional value, but there’s another element that adds a delightful dimension to these culinary delights: their enchanting aroma. The unique scents of dairy, such as the creamy allure of butter or the aged complexity of cheese, contribute significantly to our sensory experience. In this article, …

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Why is Urea Added to Milk? Exploring the Concerns and Detection Methods

Milk, a highly nutritious dairy product, holds a significant place in our daily lives. However, due to its perishable nature, milk is prone to adulteration. Adulterants such as urea pose major health concerns, particularly for vulnerable groups like pregnant women, children, and the elderly. Milk is a complex liquid containing proteins, fats, water, lactose, enzymes, …

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Why milk gets spoiled when adding ginger during tea preparation?

Milk gets spoiled when adding ginger during tea preparation because of the presence of protease which basically acts as a curdling agent. & Zingipain, a protease, is found in ginger. This protease catalyses the denaturation of the milk protein, converting it from a water-soluble to a water-insoluble form, which results in the formation of milk curd, …

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Why does milk curdle?

Milk is a mixture (called an emulsion) of several compounds, primarily fat, protein and water. The three components of the emulsion separate when milk is heated; curdled milk is the result of the milk proteins coagulating and separating from the water. The small protein molecules in milk typically float around freely and independently because the protein is …

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What is UHT milk?

Ultra Heat Treatment Milk is a generally used technique in the processing of milk by milk production facilities to ensure the food safety of the milk. In the UHT process, milk is heated to extremely high temperatures for a short period of time while retaining its nutritional value in order to eradicate any undesirable and …

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